Tugas CALL

Name    : Ambriana Shauda
Reg. No: 2314.013
Class     : 5C

1. Movie Maker
    In this video, we can learn counting by using number in English. This video help us to pronounce the number correctly and using the number in our daily life. You can watch this video HERE!!

2. Edit Picture by Using Paint
    In this picture, I create a short Narrative Text about Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang is story which came from West Sumatra. it tells us about a son who insubordinate to his mother. And then Malin got curse and turn into a stone. you can see the picture by downloading this picture HERE!!

I create sounds which contains news and instrumental music, then I combine it into one file sounds. Download this file HERE if you want to listen!

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